
Saturday, 20 February 2016

Semester II. Unit -V. Language Activity QUESTION TAGS-II

QUESTION TAGS (Affirmative and Negative)

I. Positive statements with Negative tags     (Affirmative)

      1. She is a nurse by profession, isn’t she?
      2. They have gone away, haven’t they?
      3. She was looking beautiful in her youth, wasn’t she?
      4. His father knows many languages, doesn’t he?
      5. Students should maintain discipline in the college, shouldn’t they?
      6. You got up early yesterday, didn’t you?
      7. They will help you, won’t they?
      8. He and I are friends, aren’t they?
      9. Money makes many things, doesn’t it?

II. Negative statements with Positive tags    (Negative)

      1. He is not regular to the college, is he?
      2. They don’t speak the truth, do they?
      3. You can’t receive my voice, can you?
      4. There were not many animals in the zoo, were there?


      5. He did not   attend the function last week, did he?
      6. She does not spend more on cosmetics, does she?
      7. My brother had a bad dream last night, had he?s
      8. She won’t come with us, will she?
      9. He was ill yesterday, was he ?

TYPES OF QUESTION TAGS     (Affirmative and Negative)

I. Auxiliary verb/helping verb in the statement is repeated in tag

1.      She can speak English fluently,   _____________ (can’t she?)
2.      You did not see him,  _____________ (did you?)
3.      People should not drop litter on pavements _____________ (should they?)
4.      He has made mistake, ______________ (hasn’t he?)
5.      The meeting is at ten,   ______________ (isn’t it?)
6.      You are impatient, ______________ (aren’t you?)
7.      She is singing, __________________ (isn’t she?)
8.      You will stay here, ____________ (won’t you?)
9.      They would reply _______________ (wouldn’t they?)
10.   We shall take tea, ______________ (shan’t we?)

II. do/does for verb (i) and did for verb (ii)

11.   He smokes daily,  _____________   ( doesn’t he?)
12.   They met me yesterday, _____________________   (didn’t they?)
13.   The earth moves round the sun, _______________   (doesn’t it?)
14.  She ran fast to catch the bus, ________________ (didn’t she?)
15.  His mother knows how to drive, ______________ (doesn’t she?)
16.  Mobile phones contribute to the radiation levels,___________ (don’t they?)
17.  The attendant and the patient went out of the hospital,________  (didn’t they?)
18.  Ram loves Sita, ___________________    (doesn’t he?)
19.  It rained heavily last night, ____________________ (didn’t it?)
20.  They came rather late to the party,________________   (didn’t they?)

III. Negative words take positive tags and the pronoun is “they” in case they act as subject

21.   Nobody objected to my proposal,__________________     (did they?)
22.   Neither of them has complained,__________________        (have they?)
23.   No one is allowed,_________________    (are they?)
24.  Nobody has come to the function___________ (have they?)
25.  It has hardly rained at all this summer. _____________   (has it?)               
26.  There is little we can do about it.__________            (is there?)
27.  Nobody said no. ________ (did they?)


1.      Neither of them helped me._________  (did they?)
2.      None of the ladies carried an umbrella, ___________ (did they?)
3.      Nothing is impossible, ________________  (is it?)

IV. The pronoun is “they” for   some positive words

4.      Somebody called me, _____________________ (didn’t they?)
5.      Everybody should attend the function _______________ (shouldn’t they?)
6.      Anyone, who never makes a mistake never knows anything new. ________ (do they?)
7.      Everybody enjoyed the event, _______________  (didn’t they?)
8.      Everyone should cultivate good habits, _______________  (shouldn’t they?)
9.      Everything is alright_______________ (isn’t it?)
10.  Someone had recognized me, _______________ (hadn’t they?)
11.  Somebody wants a drink, ______________    (don’t they?)
12.  Anybody can come, ________________ (can’t they?)
13.  Everyone must attend the meeting, ____________   (mustn’t they?)V. Irregulars
14.   I am late today, ___________________ (aren’t I?)
15.  I am not at home right now, ____________ (am I?)
16.  Let us have a party, _________________   (shall we?)
17.  I am right, ________________ (aren’t I?)
18.  Let us solve the problem, ______________ (shall we?)

VI. Short forms

19.  She’d done it before you asked her, _____________ (hadn’t she?)
20.  You’d better go early,  ___________ (hadn’t you?)
21.  If you called him, he’d come, _______________ (wouldn’t he?)
22.  She’d rather drink tea, ________________ (wouldn’t she?)
23.  She’s read the book, ____________ (hasn’t she?)
24.  He’s wearing a blue shirt, ________________ (isn’t he?)
25.  She’s been to London, ___________  (hasn’t she?)
26.  Let’s have our tea, _____________ (shall we?)
27.  He‘d written before you phoned, ___________ (hadn’t he?)


28.  She‘d have come if you had requested her, __________ (wouldn’t she?)
29.  That’s the postman, ______________ (isn’t it?)
30.  He’s completely aware of his fault, ___________ (isn’t he?)
VII. After some expressions like I suppose, I think, Idon’t suppose, I don’ think
31.  I think he is an Indian, __________ (isn’t he?)        (Not don’t I?)
32.  I suppose you are hungry, ____________ (aren’t you?)
33.  I don’t think it will rain, ______________ (will it?)
34.  I don’t suppose anyone will help me, __________ (will they?)
35.  I suppose somebody can do it, ____________ (can’ they?)
36.  I don’t suppose everyone should be present, ___________ (should they?)

VIII. Imperative (will you? for negatives won’t you? for positives and requests. Can you? for
37.  Don’t forget me, _____________ (will you?)
38.  Don’t waste your time, __________    (will you?)
39.  Have another piece of bread, _______________ (will you?)
40.  Please excuse me, ______________ (won’t you?)
41.  Do come in, _________________(won’t you)
42.  Shut up, _______________ (can’t you)
43.  Stand erect, ___________(can’t you?)

IX. Miscellaneous

44.  He is not angry, __________________ (is he?)
45.  They are practical, _________________ (aren’t they?)
46.   She does not know Hindi, ________________   (does she?)
47.  He bought a new car, ______________ (didn’t he?)
48.  She does not know my address, _____________ (does she?)
49.  He never goes to concerts, _____________ (does he?)
50.  John could not go to office yesterday, ______________ (could he?)
51.  They don’t mind the noise, ____________ (do they?)
52.  She had a headache last night, ___________ (didn’t she? /hadn’t she?)
53.  The twins have conquered their deformity, __________ (haven’t they?)
54.  My mother’d rather cook veg. curries, _____________ (wouldn’t she?)
55.  It’s no good, _________ (is it?)
56.  There is a mosque in that street, ______________ (isn’t there?)
57.  Everyone warned you, _____________ (didn’t they?)
58.  Neither of them helped me, ____________ (did they?)


59.  I am not that woman, ____________ (am I?)
60.  No one would object my proposal, __________ (would they?)
61.  Wait a minute, _____________ (can you?)
62.  Everything is all right, ______________ (isn’t it?)
63.  Please do me a favour, _____________ (won’t you?)
64.  You must take this medicine, __________ (mustn’t you?)
65.  He has no problems, ___________ (has he?)
66.  She ought not to go there, ____________ (ought she?)
67.  He used to swim daily, ____________ (didn’t he?)
68.  Open the window, _______________ (will you?)
69.  Barking dogs seldom bite ____________ (do they?)
70.  He is hardly eighteen, ______________ (is he?)
71.   The film is not good, _______________ (is it?)
72.  You never say what you are thinking, __________ (do you?)
73.  He daren’t challenge you, __________ (dare he?)
74.   Everyone makes mistakes, __________ (do they?)
75.  Smoking ruins our health, ______________  doesn’t it
76.   Most people cannot go to Africa, __________ (can they?)
77.  They won't be late, ____________ (will they?)
78.   I’m afraid of darkness, ___________   (aren’t I?)
79.   One should never harm any kind of people, ____________ (do they?)
80.   Children like chocolates, _____________ ( don’t they)
81.   You don't remember me,   __________ (do you?)

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