Q. Bring out the humour in Ruskin Bond’s story “The boy who
broke the bank”
“The boy who broke the bank” is a very
interesting story written by Ruskin Bond. The story relates to the murmuring of
a sweeper boy, Nathu about irregular payment of his salary. It takes the shape
of a rumour and results into the collapse of a bank. In the end of the story, Nathu, who is
responsible for the whole episode, wonders innocently about the incident.
Seth Govind Ram owns a bank at Pipalngar
town. The bank is financially very sound and has won the trust of the
depositors. Nathu is a sweeper in the bank. One day, while sweeping the steps
of the bank, he grumbles about the irregular payment of his salary by the bank
authorities. Sitaram, the washer man’s son learns about Nathu’s complaints. In
his loose talk with Mrs. Srivastava, Sitaram says that bank could not pay its
employees. Mrs. Srivastava misunderstands Sitaram’s statement. She believes
that the Piplangar bank is about to collapse. The rumour spreads like a wild
fire in the entire town.
The customers in shock demand their money
back. They start stoning the bank building and break the glasses. The next day
when Nathu goes to the bank for his duty, he finds a lot of broken glasses and
stones. He wonders how it happened. He murmurs angrily that the bank
authorities are not paying him regularly on one hand and are also increasing
his work. For him the event is a
Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar