On Shaking Hands--A.G. Gardiner
What are A.G. Gardiner’s views on the
custom of
Shaking Hands?
A.G. Gardiner is a popular essayist. He
used to write the essays under the pen name “Alpha of the Plough”. His essays
are humorous and thoughtful.
In his essay “On Shaking hands” he
comments on the western practice of shaking hands. It is a social custom. Generally we shake hands when we meet or
part. It is a symbol of courtesy. People
in the world have their own forms of greetings.
The Japanese bows, the Chinese moves the hand, the Russian hugs and the
Indian Salaams. The Arab touches breast
with the tips of his fingers. But the disorderly kissing of the English seems
to be indecent.
There is heartiness in shaking hands. If you greet a person without shaking hands,
it is not at all a greeting. It is like
a bond without a seal. It is like a type written letter with typewritten
signature. There are certain hands which we don’t like to shake. We should not shake sticky, soft and bony
hands. There is one kind of person. If you lend your hand to him, he will crush.
Another type of person puts his hand in your palm affectionately. He holds your
hand until you feel tempted to throw it out. We must continue this habit of
shaking hands until it is proved that it is not healthy.
Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar.....