
Saturday, 20 February 2016

II semester mopdel question paper

(Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course-AECC)
[For FIRST YEAR B.A/B.Sc./B.Com]
[Andhra Pradesh Common Core Syllabus (CBCS) Effective for I year from 2015-16]
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                               Max Marks: 75

Section – A [Prose] 

I. Answer any THREE of the following short answer questions                3x5=15

a)  How does Dr. B.R. Ambedkar bring out the ‘need for a moral regeneration in Hindu Society’?
b)  How does science, according to JBS Haldane, affect the life of an average man?
c)  Compare and contrast the scientific point of view and God’s eye view.
d)  What are the models of greetings of Japanese, Indians, Chinese, and the Arabs?
e)   What, according to Gardiner, are the disadvantages of shaking hands?

Section – B [Poetry]

II. Answer any THREE of the following short answer questions.             3x5 = 15

a) “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”. Explain.
b)  How does Keats personify Autumn in the second stanza of his ode to Autumn?
c)  Is there any undertone of oppression of women in Margaret Atwood’s poem, “This is a    
     Photograph of Me”? Explain.
d)  What does Kishwar Naheed tell about the woman in the first two stanzas of her Poem, “I am
       not that Woman”?.
e)  How does Naheed feel about marriage and what is she trying to say to this world?

Section – C [Short Stories]

III. Answer any THREE of the following short answer questions.            3x5= 15

a) How did Sitaram convey the information given by Nathu to Mrs. Srivastava, in the Story,    
    “The Boy who broke the Bank”?
b) What was the actual reason for the collapse of the Pipalnagar Bank? How did Ruskin Bond
     brings out the attitude of the people at this situation?
c)  How was Subbiah trained by his father in the rice-business?
d)  How did Subbiah meet his tragic end in the story, “Half-a-Rupee worth?
e ) How does the relationship of Ruchira and Biren reflect a combination of Indian and
    American  cultures?

Section – D [One Act Play]

IV. Answer any TWO of the following short answer questions.                2 x 5= 10

a) How does Lomov express his thoughts alone onstage in a monologue?
b) Bring out the causes for the first and the second arguments between Natalya and
    Lomov ?
c) Is the proposal and the acceptance of marriage proposal natural and normal ?
    What do you think are the deviations?
d) What does the play, “The Proposal” suggest about Chekhov’s attitude toward this    class of      
      landowners? Cite evidence to support your answer.

Section – E [Language Activity]

V. Answer all the questions.                                                                                4 x 5= 20

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

      Pollution is the fouling of the environment, land, water and air by waste, smoke, chemicals and other harmful substances. The most serious pollution occurs, where there are large cities and many factories. Every industrial country faces the problem of disposing waste. As factories produce new goods for people to buy, old ones are thrown out with the household rubbish. Burning this refuse pollutes the air, dumping it in rivers and seas pollutes the water. Getting rid of plastics is particularly difficult. Wood and paper decay after sometime through the action of bacteria. But plastics never decay. With millions of tonnes of rubbish being dumped into the sea, marine life is greatly harmed. Smoke from factories and gases from motor vehicles pollute the air. Carbon monoxide gas and substances called hydrocarbons from the engines of motor vehicles damage people’s health. Ridding our world of pollution is an imaginably big task.

a) What is meant of “Pollution”?
b) Where does serious pollution occur?
c) What is very difficult to get rid of?
d) How do wood and paper decay?
e) How is marine life harmed?

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable Form of the Verb  given in the  

a)  Dolphins __________ (live) in water.
b)  Srilatha ____________ (work) in Hyderabad Public School for the last ten years.
c)  The train ___________ (leave), when we reached the station yesterday.
d)  The men ______________ (repair) the telephone cables. Do not disturb them.
e)   Health _________________ (be) wealth.

3. Answer any ONE of the following.

A) Write the Interrogative Sentences for the following responses.

a)  He lives in Hyderabad.
b)  She is writing letters.
c)  You know him.
d)  There are two cars.
e)   I am Rakesh.


B) Match the following sentences under Column “A” with their correct “Question Tags”
     under Column “B

                   A                                                                            B
1. He is an engineer                         [             ]                 a) Are you ?
2. We are Indians                             [             ]                 b) Will you ?
3. She has been to London               [             ]                 c) Isn’t he ?
4. You are not paying attention        [             ]                 d) hasn’t she ?
5. Don’t waste your time                  [             ]                 e) Aren’t we ?

4. Answer any ONE of the following

A) Write a composition using the hints given below.

[Write the composition in logical order and develop it with the help of your points also, if any.   
  Suggest a Title a topic sentence and sum it up.]

     Reading hobby – good and bad books – for the hour and forever – books as best companions – they entertain, educate and enlighten – make one forget one’s loneliness guide and make one’s life richer – a good book, a life blood of master’s spirit – Carlyle’s
Concept of true university, a collection of books.


B) Write a “Dialogue” between your mother and you on a Birthday dress.


     You plan to buy an expensive set of clothes for your birthday. But your mother is opposed it. How would you convince her? Write out this situation in the form of a “Dialogue”, with five terms each to you and your mother.
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