
Saturday, 20 February 2016

Ode to Autumn - John Keats

Q       What are the different moods captured in each stanza of the poem Ode to Autumn?

Q   . What are the special features of the autumn season according to john Keats?

  Keats is a great poet of Romantic period. In his poem” Ode to Autumn” he describes the special qualities of the season like abundant fruitfulness, different activities of the farmers and music of the autumn season. 
               The Poet says that the autumn season is full of mists and mellow fruitfulness.  It is a close friend of the Sun.  It conspires with the Sun to bless and load the trees with fruits. It fills the fruits with juice. The grapes, the apples, the gourds and hazel nuts are perfectly ripened in this season. It is also season for later flowers.  They attract bees.  The bees think that it is still summer because they gather much honey from the later flowers.  Their hives are over flowed with honey. 
                The autumn is personified as a busy farmer.  He is seen sitting carelessly on the granary floor and whose hair is lifted by the winnowing wind.  Next he is seen as a reaper overcome by the strong smell of poppies and dozes in the field.  He is also seen as a gleaner carrying sheaves of corn on his head and crossing a brook carefully.  Finally he is seen sitting beside a cider-press and watching patiently the oozing out of the juice. 
                 The autumn season has its own music.  The small gnats make sorrowful sounds.  The full-grown lambs bleat from distant hills.  The hedge crickets sing and the red breast whistles from the garden.  The swallows twitter in the Sky, as they are ready for migration. Thus the poet describes the features of the autumn season.

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar

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