
Saturday, 20 February 2016

I am not that women---Kishwar Naheed

I am not that women---Kishwar Naheed

Q.   Explain the views of Kishwar Naheed on the exploitation of the women. 
       What is the revolt of Kishwar Naheed in her poem ‘I am not that woman”? 

       How are women exploited in a male dominated society according to Kishwar Naheed? 

 Kishwar Naheed was a great poet of Pakistan. Her poem” I am not that Woman” presented the picture of a woman who was exploited by society. It could be her father, her brother or even her mother­- in- law who suppressed her. She was confined to the four walls of the house. Her activities were restricted only to the domestic work. Nobody paid any attention to her voice. She was crushed in the name of meaningless customs and traditions. She was bought and sold in the name of chastity. She was treated worse than an animal. Even the parents considered her a burden which resulted in early marriage.

              The speaker was very conscious of her exploitation. She did not want to identify herself with the man on the poster who was selling socks and shoes. She was against the concept of woman being treated as a commodity in the male dominated society. She was aware that the oppressor roamed free as the breeze, but she was crushed by the weight of customs and traditions. She said that light could not be hidden in darkness. She angrily said that chains could not stop her fragrance. The society treated her as a commodity.

              She was married off to get rid of a burden. She stated that the nation of captive minds couldn’t be free. She wanted to prove her own identity and existence. Thus the poem revealed the rebellion spirit of the speaker.                                                                                                                                    
Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar....

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