
Saturday, 20 February 2016

Half a Rupee worth--R.K Narayan

Q.   How did Subbiah meet his tragic end in the story “Half a rupee worth”   

  R.K.Narayan’s stories have south- Indian setting.  His story ‘Half a rupee worth’ describes the rise to prosperity of a rice dealer who dies under his own rice bag.

     Subbiah was a rice merchant in Malgudi. He took over the business when his father died. Business prospered.  He owned thirty acres of land, a dozen houses and unlimited quantity of  jewels. He also lent money to the needy people at high rate of interest. In short, he was swollen with money. His money minting went on till war came and food control was brought by the government. He sold rice for very high rate. He sold in small quantities and always took money in advance.
      One evening when he had just closed his shop, a person came and requested him to give at least half-a-rupee worth of rice as his children were very hungry. Subbiah agreed to give only half a seer of rice and asked him to wait in the street corner. Taking the half- a- rupee coin he went to one of his secret godowns. The man waited for a long time and then went to subbiah’s house and informed his wife. Early next morning the godown was opened, they found Subbiah’s body crushed under rice bag. There was by his body, half a rupee coin. His death was caused by accidental fall of rice bags. Thus Subbiah’s life turned into a tragic end.

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar...
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