
Tuesday, 21 February 2017


I SEMESTER  PROSE  2016-2017

                                          1. The Knowledge Society
--A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Q. What are the factors that constitute a knowledge society according to Abdul Kalam?

Abdul Kalam was a great Indian scientist. He took charge as President of India in July, 2002.  He received the Bharata  Ratna in 1997. He was a voracious reader. The present extract ‘The Knowledge Society” is taken from his ‘Ignited Minds’.  It throws light on modern civilization. He stresses the need for developing the society. His outlook is typically scientific. His language reflects the clarity and objectivity of his thoughts.

            Dr. Abdul Kalam says that India has to get transformed into a developed nation.  It is possible through the acquisition of knowledge and utilization of technology.  Dr. Kalam explains how to make the way to a bright and prosperous future.  India is a land of rich knowledge.  The Knowledge is always the Prime mover of prosperity.  A nation becomes a knowledge society when it deals with knowledge creation and knowledge deployment.

            The knowledge society has two dimensional objectives.  They are societal transformation and wealth generation.  The former one promotes high productivity and rural prosperity.  It helps even to create ample opportunities for employment.  Information Technology plays an important role in wealth generation.  Dr. Kalam dreams that India would become a knowledge superpower in the nearest future.

2. The Language of African Literature

-- Ngugi wa Thiong ‘O

Q.  How does the title ‘The Language of African Literature’ get a voice through the life of
     Ngugi Wa Thiong ‘O?

 Ngugi wa Thiong’ O is a Kenyan novelist and social activist.  He is born in a peasant family in Kenya.  He is a professor of English at the University of California. He is the recipient of many honors and doctorates.

In his essay “The Language of African Literature” Ngugi wa Thiong” O strongly opposed the system of colonial education. The system discouraged the use of his mother tongue “Gikuyu” in Schools.  It also suppressed the expression of African Writers in their native language. The writer narrated his childhood experiences.  He spoke Gikuyu at home and at work.  He started to learn about life and the world through his own language.  He realized the musical beauty of his language.  He liked to listen to moral stories in Gikuyu.

 When once he joined colonial schools, English was imposed on him.  The language of his education was different from the language of his culture.  Native languages were not allowed to be used in the premises of the school.  Performance in English was rewarded.  He was punished for using his mother tongue. The punishment was three to five strokes of cane on bare buttocks or to carry a metal plate around the neck with the inscription “I am stupid” or “I am a donkey”. Sometimes the offenders were forced to pay the fine.  He wanted the children of Africa to learn their culture through their own language.

He launched a bold struggle for a noble cause


THE ROAD NOT TAKEN                             -Robert Frost  

Q. What is the reason for traveller choosing the less conventional path?        (Or)
     “The path of difficulty is in many ways the better one”. How does the poem show this?

     Robert Frost is universally praised as the most famous American poet.  His poem” The Road Not Taken” reveals that the path of difficulty is in many ways the better one. Opting for the right one from among many choices is a tough task. We should always have the courage to choose the right way even if it is rough and thorny.

      One day the poet travels alone in a yellow wood. He reaches a point where the road bifurcates in to two. He is in dilemma which road to take. He has to choose the better of the two. He looks at the both roads very carefully and choose less conventional road which is grassy and less trodden. Of the two roads, one represents the more conventional safer one. The other represents the less conventional, the more risky and the more adventurous one. An adventurous deed brings us happiness.

      All of us reach a crucial point in life when we have to use our sense of discretion in making a right choice. That choice may determine our destiny. It is thrilling and rewarding to take a less trodden path since fortune favours the brave. The poet wants to be different in attitude from the other people. Hence he takes less trodden path to face the challenging realities. A right and timely choice of career even if it involves some problems may lead to success, prosperity and happiness.

                            THE NIGHT OF THE SCORPION                   -Nissim Ezekiel
Q. Write an appreciation of the poem “The Night of the Scorpion”
      Nissim Ezekiel was a great poet of India. His poem “The Night of the Scorpion” revealed the love and affection of a mother towards her children. The poet’s mother was stung by a scorpion. It came out of its hiding place because of continuous rain. It stung the mother and went out into the rain. Soon the news was spread among the villagers.

      The villagers came to see her in large number. They had many blind beliefs. They chanted the name of god hundred times to paralyse the evil one. They believed that the pain of mother would increase with every movement of the scorpion. It had to be stopped or killed. They searched for it but it was not found anywhere. Some of them commented that her present pain would wash away the sins of her previous birth. It would also lessen her sorrow in the next birth. They hoped that the poison of the scorpion would purify her flesh of desire and her spirit of ambition.

         The poet’s father was a sceptic and rationalist. He even poured a little paraffin upon the bitten toes and put a burning match stick to it. It was a crude and unscientific way of healing a person stung by a scorpion. He allowed the holy man to tame the poison with his prayers. He knew that it was all unreasonable. But he was helpless when his wife suffered. The mother got rid of pain after twenty hours.  She thanked god for choosing her and sparing her children from the scorpion. Thus the poet praised the bond of love among the villagers and sacrificing nature of the mother.


                      THE LOST CHILD                                          -Mulk Raj Anand

Mulk Raj Anand is an Indian Writer in English. He is admired for his novels about the lives of the oppressed in India. “The Lost Child” is an emotional short story written by him. It is about a child who realizes the true value of parents when he gets lost in a village fair. The ending is suspense whether the lost child finally finds his parents or not.
On the day of the festival a large crowd of newly dressed people were going to a village fair. Among them was a little boy following his parents. The little boy stopped behind his parents as he was attracted by a toy shop. He wanted a toy but dropped his idea only by the angry look of his father. The child was attracted by the cries of sweetmeat seller. His mouth watered for the burfi which was his favourite sweet. He knew that his desire would not be fulfilled. Yet he spoke of it in a whisper and then moved on without waiting for an answer. The next attraction was the rainbow coloured balloons but he was sure that he would be refused.   
The child was attracted by a roundabout in full swing. He watched it going round and round with group of men, women and children on it. As soon as it stopped he boldly asked his parents for the pleasure of a trip on the roundabout. But when he turned back he could not find them anywhere. With a cry of fear and grief, the weeping child ran about madly in search of his parents, but there was no sign of them.
A kind hearted man tried to console the child by offering him a ride on the roundabout, but the child repeated his cry for his parents. The man next took him to the snake charmer but he refused to listen to his flute. Then he offered to buy him the bright coloured balloons. Finally the man tried to console the boy with some sweets but all his efforts failed. The child only cried’ I want my father! I want my father!
The importance of parents is only revealed once they are out of sight and we realize the world is upside down. This is what the little child realized once he got lost in the fair.

                                                                     THE LOADED DOG                                  -Henry Lawsons

The Loaded Dog is a humorous short story by the Australian writer Henry Lawson. It deals with three gold miners and their dog. It narrates the funny incident of a dog carrying back a bomb cartridge which causes blasting.
Dave, Jim and Andy used to blast the rocks for gold. They used the old fashioned blasting powder in a skin of strong canvas. They would sew the mouth and blind round the end of the fuse. They would dip the cartridge in melted tallow to make in water tight. They would get the drill hole into the rock as dry as possible and drop in the cartridge. Then they would light the fuse and get out the rock which would blast in minutes.
They had a big black dog called Tommy. It was always slobbering around them. The dog was a good retriever. It would carry back everything thrown by Andy. It thought everything useful and valuable. Once it took a dead cat also to the camp as it was theirs. As the dog had this habit, it thought that the cartridge was a valuable thing for them. So it carried back the cartridge also.
The dog ran after Andy with live cartridge. Andy roared at the dog to go home. He threw stones at the dog and ran away. The dog left Andy and ran after Dave. Dave tried to make a dive and caught the dog by the tail. He snatched the cartridge out of its mouth and flung it away as far as he could. But the dog carried it back again and there was a big blast.

After the explosion many Bushmen behind the stable doubled up against the wall. They rolled gently on the dust. There were two white men in hysterics at the house. The publican was holding his wife tight. He was begging her to hold up for his sake. At last Dave went back to the camp. The dog that had done it all also came to the camp. Andy chained the dog securely.


                  THE MEFRCHANT VENICE                         -William Shakespeare

1. Q. How does Portia save the life of Antonio?

“The Merchant of Venice” deals with mercy and religious tolerance. It is one of the best plays of Shakespeare. The present scene describes the court scene. It dramatizes how Portia logically saves the life of Antonio from the clutches of death.
Antonio and Bassanio are very good friends. They always share each other joys and sorrows. Bassanio wants money for a trip to go to Belmont. Antonio is eager to help his friend but all his money has been tied up in trade. Unfortunately Bassanio goes to Shylock, a rival to Antonio and borrows money as Antonio deliberately stands surety. Shylock takes it as an advantage to take revenge upon Antonio. He makes a bond that in case Antonio does not pay the amount in due time he will take a pound of flesh from his body. Antonio agrees to the bond with confidence that he will pay the amount as soon as his ships return.
When Antonio fails to pay back his debts, the court summons him to appear before the Justice. He has to pay the penalty of the bond that is one pound of flesh. Bassanio reads Antonio’s letter to Portia. Portia understands the problem of Antonio. She advises him to pay more money in order to save Antonio’s life. She at once asks Bassanio to hurry to the help of his noble friend.  She says that she wants Basssanio to do quickly what is to be done. Bassanio is very happy as Portia gives him permission to go to Venice at once.
Portia enters the court as a young lawyer. She says that Shylock can have a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body according to bond. But he should make sure that Antonio does not shed a drop of blood while cutting a pound of flesh. It should be exactly one pound, not more nor less. Otherwise all the property of Shylock will be given to State’s treasury. As there is nothing to do Shylock admits his sin. Thus Portia saves the life of Antonio and wins the favour of Bassanio.

2. Q.  Sketch the role of Portia in the court.

William Shakespeare is the greatest play-wright in English. His play The Merchant of Venice deals with mercy and religious tolerance. The present scene describes the court scene. It dramatizes how  logically Portia saves the life of Antonio from the cruelty of  Shylock.

Antonio was not hopeful throughout the scene. He was not confident of exempting from the punishment. Shylock was adamant about the fulfillment of the bond. According to the bond he had the right to take a pound of flesh from the body of Antonio in case Antonio failed to repay the money in time. Antonio and Shylock had been enemies for a long time. They both belonged to different religions. Shylock was insulted by Antonio in public many times. So Shylock treated Antonio as his enemy. He wanted to take revenge on Antonio. Now the time came to Shylock to take revenge on Antonio as Antonio failed to repay the money in due time.
The Duke in the court asked Shylock to consider Antonio’s financial condition. He asked him to accept money in place of a pound of flesh. Bassanio offered Shylock six thousand ducats instead of three thousand ducats   to withdraw the case. Portia also requested to forgive Antonio and show mercy on him. But Shylock refused to listen to all of them and demanded only the pound of flesh form Antonio’s body.

The case was resolved by the judgement of Portia. She acted smartly and told Shylock that he could get Antonio’s flesh as per the bond but he should not drop even a droplet of  Antonio’s blood on the ground, just a pound of flesh-not more, not less. If he took more or less than a pound of flesh, Shylock would die and all his goods would be seized.  Portia thus turned table against Shylock. Shylock realized that he had been utterly defeated. He said that he was willing to take Bassanio’s offer of six thousand ducats. Shylock who earlier demanded justice now begged for Duke’s mercy.


WRONG                         RIGHT                               WRONG                    RIGHT
1.      Accomodation      Accommodation                    47. Cemetry                Cemetery 
2.      Existance               Existence                                48. Retreet                  Retreat
3.      Acheive                 Achieve                                   49. Cigarete                 Cigarette
4.      Fient                      Faint                                       50. Recipiant                Recipient        
5.      Appearence           Appearance                           51. Collegue                 Colleague
6.       Fourty                  Forty                                       52. Seperate                Separate
7.      Arguement                       Argument                               53. Commitee ---------------Committee
8.      Govrment              Government                           54. Stubbarn  ----------------Stubborn
9.      Ancesters              Ancestors                               55. Completly ---------------Completely
10.  Genious                 Genius                                    56. Solemly-------------------Solemnly
11.  Aquire                   Acquire                                  57. Concious------------------Conscious
12.  Hypocricy                         Hypocrisy                               58. Univercity--------------- University
13.  Assasination          Assassination                         59. Curiocity -----------------Curiosity
14.  Humileate              Humiliate                                60. Vecation -----------------Vacation
15.  Aweful                  Awful                                     61. Compulsary --------------Compulsory
16.  Holocost                Holocaust                              62. Wreched ------------------Wretched
17.  Advarsity              Adversity                                64. Conquerred ---------------Conquered
18.  Leftnent                Lieutenant                             65. Skillful--------------------Skilful
19.  Assend                  Ascend                        66. Charactor------------------Character
20.  Magnificient          Magnificent                67. Surity----------------------Surety
21.  Aesthatic               Aesthetic                     68. Causualty-----------------Casualty
22.  Mechine                Machine                     69. Sufferred -----------------Suffered
23.  Attendence           Attendance                 70. Chery ---------------------Cherry
24.  Mislaneous            Miscellaneous             71. Extention -----------------Extension
25.  Acceptence           Acceptance                 72. Tution--------------------Tuition
26.  Neice                     Niece                           73. Dilema-------------------Dilemma
27.  Aknowledgement             Acknowledgement     74. Delibarately--------------Deliberately
28.  Nineth                   Ninth                          75. Dinjy----------------------Dingy
29.  Abismal                 Abysmal                     76. Benifitted -----------------Benefitted
30.  Noice                     Noise                           77. Drizle----------------------Drizzle
31.  Begining                Beginning                   78. Releive---------------------Relieve
32.  Obediantly            Obediently                  79. Documentery -------------Documentary
33.  Beleive                  Believe                        80. Ninty------------------------Ninety
34.  Occured                Occurred                    81. Decieve -------------------Deceive
35.  Businass                Business                      82. Envieronment-------------Environment
36.  Pedler                    Peddler                       83. Desended ------------------Descended
37.  Barberous              Barbarous                  84. Anormously ---------------Enormously
38.  Prosparous             Prosperous                 85. Disapoint-------------------Disappoint
39.  Bowlders               Boulders                     86. Eminant --------------------Eminent
40.  Pristige                  Prestige                       87. Ecastasy -------------------Ecstasy
41.  Beseige                  Besiege                        88. Indefinate ------------------Indifinite
42.  Parellel                  Parallel                       89. Postphone ------------------Postpone
43.  Benificiary            Beneficiary                 90. Briliant---------------------Brilliant
44.  Rasiprocal             Raciprocal                  91. Twelth ---------------------Twelfth
45.  Calender                Calendar                    92. Grammer  ------------------Grammar
46.  Releive                  Relieve                        93. Greatful --------------------Grateful
94.  Gesar ---------------------Geyser                        140. Aliance ----------Alliance
95.  Abscence ----------------Absence                     141. Archetecture ----Architecture
96.  Contemporery ----------Contemporary           142. Athelete------------- Athlete
97.  Aparatus -----------------Apparatus                 143. Awailable -----------Available
98.  Circamstances ----------Circumstances           144. Disciplane---------- Discipline
99.  Acustomed --------------Accustomed              145. Extravagence -------Extravagance
100. Previlege----------------Privilege                     146. Fatige ----------------Fatigue
101.  Innumarable -----------Innumerable            147. Frad----------------- Fraud
102. Philosopical-------------Philosophical            148. Galantry ----------Gallantry
      103. Descrimination---------Discrimination          149. Gorgeus---------- Gorgeous
      104. Ellaborate ---------------Elaborate                 150. Gymnashium ------Gymnasium
      105. Axident ------------------Accident                  151. Humourous --------Humorous
      106. Awckward --------------Awkward                152. Fasinate ------------Fascinate
107. Avenew -----------------Avenue                     153. Guidence--------- Guidance
108.Burocracy ---------------Bureaucracy             154. Hygeine----------- Hygiene
109.Briliant ------------------Brilliant                      155. Harrass------------ Harass
110.Magestic ----------------Majestic                     156. Extrordinary------Extraordinary
111.Ilusion -------------------Illusion                       157. Guaranty --------Guarantee
112.Chaoes -------------------Chaos                        158. Honourary-------Honorary
113.Corus --------------------Chorus                       159. Hyman-----------Hymn
114.Customery --------------Customary                160. Indespensable---Indispensable
115.Excelent---------------- Excellent                     161. Influencial -------Influential
116.Succed ------------------Succeed                      162. Idiocyncrasy -------Idiosyncrasy
117.Ninty --------------------Ninety                         163. Jewllery -------------Jewellery
118.Tornament -------------Tournament               164. Liesure----------------Leisure
119.Acheivement -----------Achievement             165. Merryment----------Merriment
120.Delightfull --------------Delightful                  166. Modarate-------------Moderate
121.Truely--------------------Truly                          167. Mustache ------------Moustache
122.Recieve------------------Receive                       168. Juridiction -----------Jurisdiction
123.Wollen ------------------Woolen                       169. Unanimus ------------Unanimous
124.Hight --------------------Height                         170. Mottoe ----------------Motto
125.Ecentric -----------------Eccentric                    171. Muscele---------------Muscle
126.Acountable -------------Accountable              172. Ofspring -------------Offspring
127.Immediatly -------------Immediately              173. Preferance -----------Preference
128.Sieze --------------------Seize                            174. Préci ------------------Précis
129.Ilegal --------------------Illegal                          175. Occassionally--------Occasionally
130.Earthkwake -------------Earthquake              176. Possesion -------------Possession
131. Abundence -------------Abundance               177. Poisonus --------------Poisonous
132.Accross  --------------- Across                         178. Procesion--------------Procession
133.Alchol ---------------- Alcohol                         179. Pamphelet-------------Pamphlet
134.Adjorn --------------- Adjourn                        180. Perpectual ------------Perpetual
135. Autum ----------------Autumn                        181. Sychology-------------Psychology
136. Bossom----------------Bosom                          182. Pune--------------------Peon
137. Conferance------------Conference                 132. Sergant-----------------Sergeant
138. Dependance ----------Dependence                184. Restle ------------------Wrestle
139. Dailogue --------------Dialogue                       185. Villan-------------------Villain


I Semester  English  Grammar:          ARTICLES    

I.                   Fill  in the blanks with  ‘a’ or ‘an’ or ‘the’
      1. _________ Sun rises very early in Summer         (The)
      2. Copper is _________ useful metal           (a)
      3. He is _________ European         (a)
      4. She is _________ University student              (a)
      5. ________ Ganga  is _________ sacred river        (The, a)
      6. Galileo was ________ Italian scientist           (an)
      7. I saw ________ accident last night         (an)
      8. He wants to become ________ engineer     (an)
      9. He restored sight sight to ______ blind        (the)
    10. _____ Andamans are _______ group of islands in _____  Bay of Bengal    (The, a, the) 
    11.  Akbar was  _______  greatest king            (the)
    12. God made ________ world according to _______ Bible     (the,  the)
    13. _____Godavari is ________ longest river in _______ South  (The, the)
    14. I  saw _________ one eyed man in ________ park            (a, the)
    15. _________ Alphs are ________ highest mountains in Europe         (The, the)
    16. He bought _______ horse and ________ ox       (a, an)
    17. Life is _______ education in itself        (an)
    18. ________ fox is _______ clever animal             (The, a)
    19. I went to ________ hospital to see a sick friend            (the) 
    20. Man is __________ social animal      (a)
    21. Ceylone is _________ largest of all islands near India       (the) 
    22. _____United States and ____U.S.S.R are ____greatest Powers  in ____ world   (The, the ,the, the)                                         
    23. He looks as stupid as _______ owl       (an)
    24. ________TajMahal is _________ most beautiful building in  India     (The, the)
    25. He is not________ honourable man      (an)      
    26.  _______ happier you are _________  better I am pleased      (The, the)
    27. Tirupathi is one of ________ piligrim towns in  India      (the)
    28. Honesty is  ________ best policy              (the)
    29. He came by __________ G.T. express        (the)    
    30. London is on ________ Thames              (the)
    31. _________ Police man is in _______ uniform      (The, a)
    32. This is _______ historic event     (an) 
    33. He is ________ history lecturer      (a)
    34. _______ camel is ________ ship of ________ desert          (The, the, the) 
    35. The Supreme Court  imposed  him _________ heavy penalty       (a)
    36. He experienced _______ emotion that he could not express        (an)
    37. There is__________ hospital in our colony       (the)
    38. He wrote _________ article for the paper      (an)  
    39. I have to make ________ humble proposal       (a)
    40. We shall stay in _____ hotel            (a)
    41. This is _______ usual sight         (a)
    42. I could not bear such ______ insult       (an)
    43. _______earth moves round ______ sun     (the, the)   
    44. we should  pity ______ poor and ______ helpless      (the, the) 
    45. ________ book you want is not in __________library   (the, the) 
    46. Kalidas is ___________ Shakespearw of India   ( the) 
    47. _____ University is not  ______place for ______ lazy     (the, a, the)
    48. He is ________Indian but his wife is _________European    (an,  a)
49. We shall come if we get __________opportunity (an)
50. That was not _________ very honest  thing to do              (a)
51. Is there__________ hospital in this place                 (a)
52 . __________proposal was accepted by__________ unanimous vote  (The, an)
53. Where there is ______will, there is ______ will                   (a, a)
54. ______strong should help _________weak     (The, the)
55. There was ___________explosion in _______ train      (an, the)
56.  ________French live in France       (The)
57. What _____ pretty girl!                         (a)
58.  She bought ____________ ice-cream    (an)
59. She is ____________best friend of mine    (the)
60. Wordworth wrote poems on____________ beauty of nature    (the )
61. Many ____________great men are honest        (a)            
62. There is _______bus  service on this route    (a)
63. _________friend in need is _________friend indeed  (a, a)
64. He went without ______________umbrella   (an)
65. I know _____________way to __________hoteln      (the, the)
66. He saw me ___________year ago                        (a)
67. She took ____________dozen apples               (a)           
68. It is ____________good historical drama        (a)    
69. He crossed_________Indian oceaqn twie   (the)
70. ________dead man tells no lies           (a)
71. Will you come for________walk with me?        (a)
72. He is ______________bravest man I know   (the)
73. ___________stitch in time saves nine        (a)
74. I always read ______________Gita   (the)
75. She is ______________M.A student   (an)
76. Here is _________one rupee note     (a)
77. Wood ia sold on __________large scale     (a)
78. He waited for _________________hour       (an)
79. He sold _______________machine at _________profit   (the, the)
80. They will be leaivg in _____________day     (a)
81. It costs _______________hundred rupees     (a)
82. My brother suffered___________ headache last night      (a)
83. ______ rich are happy in  __________ world     (The, the)
84. Sita plays __________piano very well       (the)
85.  __________ criminal was sent to prison       (The)
86. This is ____ season for mangos          (the)
87. He is _____-only son to his parents                      (the)
88. I met ______Mayor          (the)
90. _____________Prime Minister visited Andhra Pradesh          (The)
91. ______________educated should teach _____________illiterate     (The, the)
92. Sri Lanka is to ______________South of India          (the)
93.I did not  enjoy _____________dinner they served         (the)
94. _____________children are making __________noise   (The, a)
95. I am in _________ hurry         (a)
96. Both _____________brothers live together    (the)
97. He often goes to _________cinema          (the)
98.  ___________Indian stepped on ____________moon           (An, the)
99. Cloth is sold by____________metre       (the)
100. _____________English are ______________disciplined nation     (The, a)

I Semester English: Grammar                  PREPOSITIONS

          Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions

1.      She sat __________ a bench. (on)
2.      Tagore wrote poetry _______ nature. (on)
3.      The Lion jumped ________ the elephant. (upon)
4.      He lives _________ Hyderabad _________ Andhra Pradesh. (at, in)
5.      He is _________ the town. (in)
6.      Examinations will be conducted _________ November. (in)
7.      She finished the work _________ two hours. (in)
8.      She is _________ School. (at)
9.      I will start _________ 6o Clock _______ the morning. (at, in)
10.  He jumped _________ the well. (into)
11.  He came _________ the room. (into)
12.  The boy ran _________ school (to)
13.  His shop is _________ the theatre. (by)
14.  We travel _________ plane. (by)
15.  I hope to complete the work _________ Christmas. (by)
16.  He sat _________ me. (beside)
17.  They came _________ musical instruments. (with)
18.  He went  market _________ his friend. (to, with)
19.  The traveller was killed _________ a knife. (by)
20.  You should repay the loan _________ a year. (within)
21.  I know Hindi_________ Telugu. (besides)
22.  He plays foot ball _________ hockey.  (besides)
23.  The temple is located _________ the river. (beside)
24.  I lived _________ Hyderabad _________ four years. (in, for)
25.  The boy will go to school _________ tomorrow. (from)
26.  He has been absent to the class _________ last Monday. (since)
27.  She has been ill _________ five days. (for)
28.  Wait _________ I come. (until)
29.  He worked _________ 4 pm. (till)
30.  I slept _________ late in the morning. (till)
31.  He lost all his property _________ gambling. (through)
32.  He hit the dog _________ a stone. (with)
33.  Nights are cool _________ summer. (in)
34.  I prefer tea _________ coffee. (to)
35.  She rushed _________ my room _________ midnight. (into, at )
36.  He could walk ten kilometers _________ an hour. (in)
37.  My wife reminded me _________ an appointment this evening. (of)
38.  My brother came_________ Tuesday. (on)
39.  Students do not go _________ school _________ Sundays. (to, on)
40.  She cut her finger _________ a knife. (with)
41.  _________ English, he knows Telugu. (besides)
42.  He was born _________ Penugonda village _________ West Godavari. (at, in)
43.  There is no exception _________ the rule. (to)
44.  She put _________ her new dress and went _________ a stroll.  (on, for)
45.  The poor man died _________ Tuberculosis. (of)
46.  We can’t go _________ train.  (by)
47.  We will go _________ foot. (on)
48.  He tried _________ a job _________ many places. (for, at)
49.  He is ambitious _________ fame. (of)
50.  I was standing _________ her. (beside)
51.  He put the book _________ the table. (on)
52.  He fell_________ the horse. (of)
53.  She looked _________ the window. (through)
54.  She ran _________ the room. (into)
55.  I reached the college _________ 10 AM yesterday. (at)
56.  What are you doing _________ this moment? (at)
57.  It is not so cold _________ Dipawali time. (at)
58.  He came here _________ 1974. (in)
59.  He was born _________ January. (in)
60.  He was born _________  Sunday. (on)
61.  He was born _________ 1st August, 1940. (on)
62.  I will give him a watch _________ his birthday. (on)
63.  We go to Kashmir _________ a month every year. (for)
64.  He has lived here _________ 1985. (since)
65.  I have not seen him _________ childhood. (since)
66.  He was born _________ Alwar _________ Rajashthan. (at, in)
67.  The kite is flying _________ the sky.  (in)
68.  He is sitting _________ the table.  (under)
69.  He is waiting _________ the house. (outside)
70.  There is a fan _________ my head. (above)
71.  He is sitting _________ the top of the table. (on)
72.  He climbed _________ the hill. (up)
73.  He came_________ the hill. (down)
74.  I had to appear _________ the court yesterday. (before)
75.  There is a cat _________ the table. (below)
76.  There is a road _________ the college. (behind)
77.  Our college is _________ the Vasavi Temple.  (near)
78.  He came _________ the room. (out)
79.  He laughed _________ me. (at)
80.  I saw a man _________ umbrella. (with)
81.  Take the book _________ table. (off)
82.  He died _________ cholera. (of)
83.  The train _________ Delhi leaves in 5 minutes. (for)
84.  This table is made _________ wood. (of)
85.  They ran away _________ the scene of the murder. (from)
86.  He is late _________ work every day. (for)
87.  I do a lot _________ work in the garden. (of)
88.  He refused _________ answer me. (to)
89.  He is always _________ hurry.  (in)
90.  The Dog buried the bone _________ the ground. (in)
91.  It will be over _________ five minutes. (in)
92.  My friend agreed _________ the plan. (to)
93.  The chief guest  will arrive _________ the party shortly. (at)
94.  For information you should apply _________ the Secretary. (to)
95.  Rajiv Gandhi was killed _________ Sri Perumbudur _________ Tamilnadu. (at, in)
96.  How much do you have _________ the bank? (in)
97.  There are two tube lights _________ the wall. (on)
98.  He put the bell _________ the table. (on)
99.  I put the clothes _________ the box. (in)
100. Read the poem _________ Page 46. (on)

I  Semester English:Grammar              Wh-Questions

Wh-questions are questions which begin with what, where, when, why, who, which,   
  whom, whose, how etc.
          eg.  Where are you staying?
          Assertive/Negative                                           Interrogative

1.      The meeting started at 9’o’ clock                           1.When did the meeting start? 
2.      She learnt the veena in a music college                  2.Where did she learn the veena? (or)
                                                                                              What did she learn in a music college?
3.      She likes classical songs                                        3.Which songs do she like? (or)
                                                                                              What does she like?
4.      I am eighteen years old                                          4. How old am I?
5.      The boy opened the door                                       5. Who opened the door?
6.      I am Rakesh                                                           6. What is my name? (or) Who am I?
7.      She came late because of  traffic                           7. Why did she come late?
8.      He wants to buy a car soon                                    8. When does he want to buy a car? (or)
                                                                                              What does he want to buy soon?
9.      This is Leela’s book                                               9. Whose book is this?
10.  There are hundred cars                                          10. How many cars are there?
11.  My father is a farmer                                             11. What is my father?
12.  He goes to college by bus                                      12. How does he go to college?
13.  Fish live in water                                                   13. Where do fish live in?
14.  He will go with her                                                14. Who will go with her?
15.  She knows everything about computer                  15. What does she know about computer?
16.  She likes rose flower most                                     16. Which flower does she like most? (or)                               
                                                                                                      Which is her favourite flower?
17.  She doesn’t like coffee because coffee is              17. Why doesn’t she like coffee?
 not good for health 
18.  The post office is in old town                                18. Where is the post office?
19.  Her father left for Mumbai yesterday                    19. When did his father leave for Mumbai?
20.  You want to become an engineer                           20. What do you want to become?
21.  She will meet you in the canteen                           21. Where will she meet you?
22.  They did it yesterday                                             22. When did they do it?
23.  Somalia is the poorest country in the world           23. Which is the poorest country in the world? 
24.  My brother eats twice a day                                   24. How many times does my brother eat a day? 
25.  I don’t like her for her being arrogance                 25. Why don’t I like her?
26.  She did not sleep well because of fever                 26. Why didn’t she sleep well?
27.  He is very fine                                                       27. How is he?
28.  The camel is the ship of the desert                         28. Which is the ship of the desert?
29.  Columbus discovered America                              29. Who discovered America?
30.  They spent their vacation in Mysore                      30. Where did they spend their vacation?
31.  Thousands of people died in the earthquake         31. How many people died in the earthquake?
32.  He is the second son to his parents                        32. How manyeth son is he to his parents?
33.  My father wants me to be educated                       33. What does my father want me?
34.  They postponed their journey due to rain              34. Why did they postpone their journey?
35.  He told the truth under the influence of liquor      35. How did he tell the truth?
36.  India got Independence in 1947                            36. When did India get Independence?
37.  He was arrested for a theft                                     37. Why was he arrested?
38.  Trees give us oxygen                                                          38. What do trees give us?
39.  Mother cooks very well                                                     39. How does mother cook?
40.  The accident occurred due to reckless driving                   40. How  did the accident occur?
41.  Animals live in forest                                                        41. Where do animals live?
42.  The Judge declared that she was innocent                         42. What did the Judge declare her?
43.  His grandfather died of Cholera                                        43. How did his grandfather die?
44.  They elected him president                                                44. What did they elect him?
45.  The new Principal is very strict and punctual                     45. How is the new Principal?
46.  Sankranthi falls in January every year                               46. When does Sankranthi fall?
47.  Practice makes man perfect                                               47. What does practice make man?
48.  Ants make hills                                                                  48. What do ants make?
49.  The boy was punished for his fault                                   49. Why was the boy punished?
50.  She looked beautiful in her youth                                      50. How was she in her youth?
51.  This factory belongs to his uncle                                       51. Whose factory is this?
52.  Her uncle presented her a wrist watch                               52. What did her uncle present her?
53.  They spend more on cosmetics                                          53. What do they spend more on?
54.  The boy cried for help                                                       54. What did the boy cry for?
55.  Children like chocolates                                                    55. What do children like?
56.  The students are waiting for their results                            56. What are the students waiting for?
57.  She slept for eight hours                                                    57.  How long did she sleep?
58.  They are doing exercises in the ground                              58. What are they doing in the ground?
59.  He gets up early everyday                                                 59. When does he get up every day?
60.  A rolling stone gathers no moss                                         60. What does a rolling stone gather?
61.  Money makes many things                                                61. What does money make?
62.  The sun rises very early in summer                                   62. When does the sun rise in summer?
63.  People should keep their promises                                     63. What should people keep?
64.  Brundakarat is an eminent politician                                  64. What is Brundakarat?
65.  He can complete this project by next week                        65. When can he complete this project?
66.  Madhuri told me your name                                              66. Who told me your name?
67.  She hates him like poison                                                  67. How does she feel him? (or)
                                                                                            What is her feeling about him?
68. The farmer went home at sunset                                        68. When did the farmer go home?
68.  Niagara waterfalls are in Canada                                       69. Where are Niagara waterfalls
69.   A man is known by the company he keeps                      70. How is a man known?
71. She is so poor that she cannot educate her son                  71. How poor is she?
72. Telugu is called Italian of the east                                      72. By what other name is Telugu called?
73. Padma is painting a picture                                                73.What is Padma doing?
74. As soon as he goes home, his dog rushes at him                74.When does his dog rush at him?
75. Students take their lunch at interval                                   75.When do students take their lunch?                                     
76. Sympathy is nothing but a kind feeling towards other76. What is sympathy?                                                                                      
77. We have two ears and one mouth t speak
      little and hear much
78. He generally takes a nap in the afternoons                        78.When does he generally take a nap?       
79. She heard a strange noise                                                   79.What did she hear?
80. Malaria is attacked by mosquitoes                                     80.How is malaria attacked?
81. Sakunthala is the best drama in Sanskrit                            81.Which is the best drama in Sanskrit?
82. Niagara waterfalls are in Canada                                       82.Where are Niagara waterfalls?
83. Little strokes make a great oak fall                                    83.What makes a great oak fall?

I Semester English: Grammar           WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED
Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the correct word.

1.      The  accident occurred when the motor bike hit a___________ lorry (stationary/stationery)
2.      My mother mixes floor and water  to make_______  for pulkas (dough/ dove)
3.      The electronic gadget works on ___________ power (duel/dual)
4.       Veerappan is a ______________ smuggler (famous/notorious)
5.      He tried in ____________ to pass the exam (vain/vein)
6.       I will not be able to __________________ the new job. (accept/ except)
7.       Please try not to __________________ your new sunglasses. (lose/loose)
8.      __________________ going to the races this evening. (their/ they're)
9.      How does candy __________________ your blood sugar? (affect/effect).
10.  We had __________________ much snow last winter. ( to, too, two)
11.  She __________________ the capitals of every state. ( new/ knew)
12.   April is the __________________ month. (forth/ fourth)
13.  The ____________ingredients of bread are flour, water, and yeast. (principal/ principle)
14.  I would __________________ all parents to have a dog. (advice/ advise)
15.  Which jeans are you going to ______?    (wear/where)
16.  Can you ______ some milk for me?    ( pore/pour)
17.  Take a ______. You're working too hard!  (brake/break)
18.  I received ______ from my boss.    (mail/male)
19.  My friends and I want to ______ across the lake. (sale/sail)
20.   Your face looks very ______.    ( pail/pale)
21.  My legs are ______ after the 5 mile run.     ( sore/soar)
22.   Why is your ______ so long?       ( hare /hair)
23.   I have ______ the book ten times.   (  red  / read)
24.   Which ______ of shoes should I wear today?  (pair/ pare)
25.   _______________your finger nails (pair/ pare)
26.  Get up my _______   (son/sun)
27.  The trail goes _________ the mountains.       (threw/ through)
28.   _________ your history teacher?      (who’s/ whose)
29.   The TV has lost __________ picture.       (its/ it's)
30.  Get up my __________    (sun / son).
31.  Tom has been collecting comic books ______he was ten years old.  ( since/sense)
32.  We must try our best to _______ away all prejudices (caste/ cast)
33.   I did not have the ____________  (heart/ hart)
34.  The_____________  ahs a short tail (hair/ heir)
35.  The flesh of kangaroo sells very___________ (deer/ dear)
36.  He told me the ___________ of a fox  (tail/ tale) 
37.   The travelers had terrible journey through the ______ road (torturous/ tortuous)
38.  The children have been playing for__________( too/ two) hours
39.  What is the ___________of it?  (prize/price)
40.   Please__________ for me  (pray/ prey)
41.  We _____________ the orange  with a knife  (peel/ peal)
42.   Please ___________ for a while  (pass/ pause) 
43.  The time is half _________ ten  (passed/ past)
44.  Her face became__________ because of fear  (pale/ pail)
45.   _________ is used to row the boat  (ore/ oar)
46.   _____________ is a heavy metal  (led/lead)
47.   There is a _______in the bucket  (whole/ hole) 
48.   If you want to reach god, you have to ___________worldly pleasures. (forgo/ forego)
49.  David was _____________ for the function that had been cancelled.  (all ready/ already)
50.  It was _____________ seven o’clock by the time we reached Boston.( all ready/ already)
51.  The English ________I took last semester was the best I’ve ever taken (course/ coarse)
52.   Why don’t you have the party _____________ in the garden? (here/hear)
53.  After an hour, he _____________ Sharon wasn’t coming. (knew, new)
54.  I’m not sure _____________ to wait or to come back later. (weather/ whether)
55.  I promised my sister I would _____________ to her every week  (write, right)
56.  They are not going to ____________ this game. (loose/ lose)
57.   This is one of the side ____________ of this medication. (effects/ affects)
58.   Taking this medication might ____________ your sleep. (affect/ effect)
59.   This is really ____________! (exiting/ exciting)
60.  He is better at grammar ____________ I am. (then/ than)
61.   The injection was given in the __________(vein/Vain)
62.   All your efforts are going ________ (vain/ vein)
63.  The British ________________ has still a Queen  (umpire/empire)
64.  The ___________is absolutely impartial(empire/ umpire)
65.   We have a good basketball____________(team/ teem) in our college
66.   The   slum areas _______________with mosquitoes  (team/ teem)
67.  Tell me a ___________________(story/storey)
68.  We lived on the second __________of the building  (story/storey)
69.   Draw a ____________________line   (straight/ strait)
70.  The ship has to pass through a  _______________(straight/ strait)
71.  The  building  is______________________(stationary/stationery)
72.   She went to  a shop  to buy  some ________________(stationary/ stationery)
73.  This is _______________wrong   (quite/ quiet)
74.   Keep ________________in the class  (quite/ quiet)
75.  She writes _______________ regularly  (diary/ dairy)
76.   _______________is a place where milk and milk products are sold (diary/ dairy)
77.   He is too ______________to walk 
78.   A _____________________has seven day  (week/ weak)
79.  Don’t throw ______________in drains  (waste/ waist)
80.  He  wears a _________________ coat (waste/ waist)
81.   No _________is used in making this chain  (mettle/ metal)
82.  This is the test of  your_______________(mettle/ metal)
83.  He was playing a _____________________game  (foul/ fowl)
84.  Many people eat the meat of ___________________( foul /fowl)
85.  Her ________________are so soft  (feet/ feat)
86.  It was a _______________________of real physical skill  (feet/ feat)
87.  There is not even a ___________________of water in the jug   (draught/ drought) 
88.   There is  fear of famine on account of___________________    (draught, drought)
89.  Don’t take a very heavy_________ of  this medicine   (dose, doze)
90.   They ___________________  in the class (dose, doze)

Correction of Sentences

The sceneries of Kashmir are beautiful
The scenery of Kashmir is beautiful
No news are good news
No news is good news
The scissor is very sharp
The scissors are very sharp
He has no sister-in-laws
He has no sisters-in-law
She bought five dozens oranges
She bought five dozen oranges
His family members went to Ooty last year
The members of his family went to Ooty last year
She waited for me one and half hour
She waited for me one and half hours
She is my cousin sister
She is my cousin
The table’s leg was damaged
The leg of the table was damaged
One should respect his teachers
One should respect one’s teachers
I and he are friends
He and I are friends
Either of the two girls are intelligent
Either of the two girls is intelligent
Every boy and every girl have to work hard
Every boy and every girl has to work hard
Neither the officer nor the clerks has done it
Neither the officer nor the clerks have done it
The two sisters are very fond of one another
The two sisters are very fond of each another
The children never quarrel with each other
The children never quarrel with one other
We enjoyed during vacation
We enjoyed ourselves during vacation
I shall avail this opportunity
I shall avail myself of this opportunity
India is hotter than any country
India is hotter than any other country
The climate of Hyderabad is better than Bangalore
The climate of Hyderabad is better than that of Bangalore
His both sons are doctors
Both his sons are doctors
The two first pages of the book are torn
The first two pages of the book are torn
Many a man have attended the function
Many a man has attended the function
She is elder than I
She is older than I
Due to his illness, he could not attend the party
Owing to his illness, he could not attend the party
He works very hardly
He works very hard
She is one of the best friend I have
She is one of the best friends I have
He ran fast lest he many miss the bus
He ran fast lest he should miss the bus
The poet and novelist were dead
The poet and novelist was dead
Either he or I are at the top of the class
Either he or I am at the top of the class
One of the doors were damaged
One of the doors was damaged
He is not only brilliant in mathematics but also in physics
He is brilliant not only in mathematics but also in Physics
Sita as well as padma know dancing
Sita as well as padma knows dancing
Hundred miles are a long distance
Hundred miles is a long distance
Her voice is so sweet as honey
Her voice is so sweet as honey
Coffee is more preferable than tea
Coffee is more preferable  to tea
She is more cleverer than her sister
She cleverer than her sister
They have ordered for ten cups of coffee
They have ordered  ten cups of coffee
The police prevented us to go
The police prevented us from going
Though he is poor, yet he is honest
Though he is poor, he is honest
He is eighteen years
He is eighteen years old
Mother loves her children like anything
Mother loves her children like nothing
I am believing you
I believe you
We have seen a film yesterday
We saw a film yesterday
She looks forward to see him soon
She looks forward to seeing him soon
She can do nothing but to weep
She can do nothing but weep
I have no pen to write
I have no pen to write with
They discussed about politics
They discussed politics
They are awaiting for the bus now
They are  waiting for the bus now
The hens have lain no eggs today
The hens have laid no eggs today
The river has over flown its banks
The river has overflowed its banks
Being poor, she could not educate her son
She being poor, she could not educate her son
Go and fetch me a glass of  water
Fetch me a glass of water
He is very generous, isn’t it?
He is very generous, is n’t he?

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