
Friday, 26 February 2016

Saturday, 20 February 2016

The Scientific point of view---J.B.S Haldace

The Scientific point of view---J.B.S Haldace

The Scientific point of view---J.B.S Haldace

Q. How is the scientist superior to God according to J.B.S.Haldane?
      In the essay ‘The Scientific Point of View’, J. B. S. Haldane opposes superstition and supports rational thinking.  He says that science affects us in two ways. We are benefited by its appreciations in one way and it affects our opinions in the other way.  Haldane says that the scientist is superior to God. The scientist works out the results of many actions. In the eyes of the bacteriologist, polluting public water supply is as dangerous as blasting an atom bomb in the public street.
     The average man dwells on the emotional and ethical side of the issue. He ignores the facts which interest the scientist. Haldane gives two examples, the problem of the American Negro and the problem of disease. The American Negro is accustomed to the hot climate of the cotton estates in the southern states. His population increases there. If he is made to live in luxury, he loses his stamina and even dies. So the scientist prefers the Negro to live a life of hardship.
     Haldane says that the modern medicine cures many diseases. Diabetes can be controlled by injecting insulin. Typhoid can be cured by drinking boiled water. But many people are unscientific. Even cancer can be cured but people do not follow the doctor’s advice. He says that the world is misruled by ignorance and unscientific thinking.

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar..

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On Shaking Hands--A.G. Gardiner

On Shaking Hands--A.G. Gardiner

On Shaking Hands--A.G. Gardiner

Q. What are  A.G. Gardiner’s views on the custom of

 Shaking Hands?

     A.G. Gardiner is a popular essayist. He used to write the essays under the pen name “Alpha of the Plough”. His essays are humorous and thoughtful.
     In his essay “On Shaking hands” he comments on the western practice of shaking hands. It is a social custom.  Generally we shake hands when we meet or part.  It is a symbol of courtesy. People in the world have their own forms of greetings.  The Japanese bows, the Chinese moves the hand, the Russian hugs and the Indian Salaams.  The Arab touches breast with the tips of his fingers. But the disorderly kissing of the English seems to be indecent.   
     There is heartiness in shaking hands.  If you greet a person without shaking hands, it is not at all a greeting.  It is like a bond without a seal. It is like a type written letter with typewritten signature. There are certain hands which we don’t like to shake.  We should not shake sticky, soft and bony hands.  There is one kind of person.  If you lend your hand to him, he will crush. Another type of person puts his hand in your palm affectionately. He holds your hand until you feel tempted to throw it out. We must continue this habit of shaking hands until it is proved that it is not healthy.         

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar.....


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I am not that women---Kishwar Naheed

I am not that women---Kishwar Naheed

I am not that women---Kishwar Naheed

Q.   Explain the views of Kishwar Naheed on the exploitation of the women. 
       What is the revolt of Kishwar Naheed in her poem ‘I am not that woman”? 

       How are women exploited in a male dominated society according to Kishwar Naheed? 

 Kishwar Naheed was a great poet of Pakistan. Her poem” I am not that Woman” presented the picture of a woman who was exploited by society. It could be her father, her brother or even her mother­- in- law who suppressed her. She was confined to the four walls of the house. Her activities were restricted only to the domestic work. Nobody paid any attention to her voice. She was crushed in the name of meaningless customs and traditions. She was bought and sold in the name of chastity. She was treated worse than an animal. Even the parents considered her a burden which resulted in early marriage.

              The speaker was very conscious of her exploitation. She did not want to identify herself with the man on the poster who was selling socks and shoes. She was against the concept of woman being treated as a commodity in the male dominated society. She was aware that the oppressor roamed free as the breeze, but she was crushed by the weight of customs and traditions. She said that light could not be hidden in darkness. She angrily said that chains could not stop her fragrance. The society treated her as a commodity.

              She was married off to get rid of a burden. She stated that the nation of captive minds couldn’t be free. She wanted to prove her own identity and existence. Thus the poem revealed the rebellion spirit of the speaker.                                                                                                                                    
Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar....

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This is a Photograph Of Me--Margaret atwood

This is a Photograph Of Me--Margaret atwood

This is a Photograph Of Me--Margaret Atwood

Explain the feministic views of Margaret Atwood in her poem ‘This is a photograph of me’. 


      How does Margaret Atwood’s poem symbolize with the oppression of the women?  


      Describe the status of women in the society according to Margaret Atwood in her poem.

  1.  Margaret Atwood was a great poet of Canada. Her poem “This is a Photograph of Me” was about the oppression of women in the society. The poet would begin the poem by promising to show us her photograph. Later she died from having drowned in a lake. The photograph was taken some time ago. It was dim and not clear. If the woman had done some important work in the society it would have shadowed and ignored her contribution.
  2.                 In the left hand corner of the photograph there were branches of tree. These branches of tree have emerged with the frame house to right hand side. The frame house would stand for man and left hand side branches would stand for woman. In male dominating society, a woman was treated as left hand and man was treated as right hand. Left hand was normally weaker than right hand. Women were supposed to be weaker than men by giving her left position.

  3.                    The lake would stand for the society of the photograph. Beyond the society there were low hills. They kept the woman in shadow. She was centered for domestic work. But she was marginal for social, political and economical work. They have dimmed her photograph but her presence was there. They could destroy her photograph but not her existence. Woman has been exploited since time immemorial. Therefore the poet did not like male dominating society.
Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar
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Ode to Autumn - John Keats

Ode to Autumn - John Keats

Q       What are the different moods captured in each stanza of the poem Ode to Autumn?

Q   . What are the special features of the autumn season according to john Keats?

  Keats is a great poet of Romantic period. In his poem” Ode to Autumn” he describes the special qualities of the season like abundant fruitfulness, different activities of the farmers and music of the autumn season. 
               The Poet says that the autumn season is full of mists and mellow fruitfulness.  It is a close friend of the Sun.  It conspires with the Sun to bless and load the trees with fruits. It fills the fruits with juice. The grapes, the apples, the gourds and hazel nuts are perfectly ripened in this season. It is also season for later flowers.  They attract bees.  The bees think that it is still summer because they gather much honey from the later flowers.  Their hives are over flowed with honey. 
                The autumn is personified as a busy farmer.  He is seen sitting carelessly on the granary floor and whose hair is lifted by the winnowing wind.  Next he is seen as a reaper overcome by the strong smell of poppies and dozes in the field.  He is also seen as a gleaner carrying sheaves of corn on his head and crossing a brook carefully.  Finally he is seen sitting beside a cider-press and watching patiently the oozing out of the juice. 
                 The autumn season has its own music.  The small gnats make sorrowful sounds.  The full-grown lambs bleat from distant hills.  The hedge crickets sing and the red breast whistles from the garden.  The swallows twitter in the Sky, as they are ready for migration. Thus the poet describes the features of the autumn season.

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar

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Half a Rupee worth--R.K Narayan

Half a Rupee worth--R.K Narayan

Q.   How did Subbiah meet his tragic end in the story “Half a rupee worth”   

  R.K.Narayan’s stories have south- Indian setting.  His story ‘Half a rupee worth’ describes the rise to prosperity of a rice dealer who dies under his own rice bag.

     Subbiah was a rice merchant in Malgudi. He took over the business when his father died. Business prospered.  He owned thirty acres of land, a dozen houses and unlimited quantity of  jewels. He also lent money to the needy people at high rate of interest. In short, he was swollen with money. His money minting went on till war came and food control was brought by the government. He sold rice for very high rate. He sold in small quantities and always took money in advance.
      One evening when he had just closed his shop, a person came and requested him to give at least half-a-rupee worth of rice as his children were very hungry. Subbiah agreed to give only half a seer of rice and asked him to wait in the street corner. Taking the half- a- rupee coin he went to one of his secret godowns. The man waited for a long time and then went to subbiah’s house and informed his wife. Early next morning the godown was opened, they found Subbiah’s body crushed under rice bag. There was by his body, half a rupee coin. His death was caused by accidental fall of rice bags. Thus Subbiah’s life turned into a tragic end.

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar...
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One Act Play: The proposal ----Anton Chekov

One Act Play: The proposal ----Anton Chekov

 1. Q. Bring out the humour in the play “The Proposal”  
            The play “The Proposal” is almost a comedy of manners – explain 
            Discuss the theme of the play “The Proposal”

  The Play “The Proposal” by Anton Chekov is humorous and witty.  It deals with the quarrel between Lomov and Natalya over small issues. Lomov comes to the house of Chubukov, a land owner. Natalya is the daughter of Chubukov.  She is aged about 25. Lomov wants to marry her.  He is aged about more than 35. Yet he wants to propose to her without respecting the feelings of Natalya and her father. Meanwhile Natalya and Lomov exchange heated arguments for the ownership of the Volovyi Meadows and the greatness of their dogs Tyer and Flyer.
     Lomov belongs to a rich family. He boasts of his wealth and claims that Volovyi Meadows are his own. He says that his dog Tyer is better than Natalya’s dog Flyer. On the one hand, he behaves like a peculiar person, who suffers from hypochondria. On the other hand, he proposes to marry Nataliya. Thus he seems to be foolish. It reminds us of a sentimental and humorous comedy.
     The play “The Proposal” is full of farce too. Farce is type of comedy that provokes the audience belly laughs in the theatre. Here Chekov uses a highly exaggerated character like Lomov- caricatured character type. He puts Lomov and Natalya into humorous situations. Two argumentative and opposite people come together.  At last Natalya agrees to marry Lomov, in spite of their long dispute over the Meadows and their dogs.

2. Q. Sketch the character of Lomov in the play “The Proposal”  

Lomov is the central character of the play “The Proposal”.  He is argumentative by nature.  He belongs to a rich family. He boasts of his wealth and claims that Volovyi Meadows are his own. He suffers from a psychological disease called hypochondria. It is a state of mental depression due to unnecessary anxiety about one’s health.   Lomov is thus a person of poor health.
     Lomov is the neighbour of Chubukov. One day he comes to the house of Chubukov, a land owner. Chubukov has a daughter aged about 25. Her name is Natalyia. Lomov wants to marry her.  He is aged about more than 35. Yet he wants to propose to her without respecting the feelings of Natalya and her father. Meanwhile Natalya and Lomov exchange heated arguments for the ownership of the Meadows and the greatness of their dogs Tyer and Flyer.
     Lomov tells Natalia that he has health problems. He feels that he is dying. He falls into a chair and faints.  Natalya thinks that he is dead. She starts weeping and requests her father to call a doctor. Chubukov finds himself in a terrible situation.  Meanwhile Lomov comes to senses. He sees mist before his eyes.  Chubukov does not want to take any more chance to leave Lomov alone. He at once speaks out that his daughter is willing to marry Lomov. He thrusts Lomov’s hand to his daughter’s hand and gives them his blessings.

Best Regards,
Sasi Kumar.....
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II semester mopdel question paper

II semester mopdel question paper

(Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course-AECC)
[For FIRST YEAR B.A/B.Sc./B.Com]
[Andhra Pradesh Common Core Syllabus (CBCS) Effective for I year from 2015-16]
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                               Max Marks: 75

Section – A [Prose] 

I. Answer any THREE of the following short answer questions                3x5=15

a)  How does Dr. B.R. Ambedkar bring out the ‘need for a moral regeneration in Hindu Society’?
b)  How does science, according to JBS Haldane, affect the life of an average man?
c)  Compare and contrast the scientific point of view and God’s eye view.
d)  What are the models of greetings of Japanese, Indians, Chinese, and the Arabs?
e)   What, according to Gardiner, are the disadvantages of shaking hands?

Section – B [Poetry]

II. Answer any THREE of the following short answer questions.             3x5 = 15

a) “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”. Explain.
b)  How does Keats personify Autumn in the second stanza of his ode to Autumn?
c)  Is there any undertone of oppression of women in Margaret Atwood’s poem, “This is a    
     Photograph of Me”? Explain.
d)  What does Kishwar Naheed tell about the woman in the first two stanzas of her Poem, “I am
       not that Woman”?.
e)  How does Naheed feel about marriage and what is she trying to say to this world?

Section – C [Short Stories]

III. Answer any THREE of the following short answer questions.            3x5= 15

a) How did Sitaram convey the information given by Nathu to Mrs. Srivastava, in the Story,    
    “The Boy who broke the Bank”?
b) What was the actual reason for the collapse of the Pipalnagar Bank? How did Ruskin Bond
     brings out the attitude of the people at this situation?
c)  How was Subbiah trained by his father in the rice-business?
d)  How did Subbiah meet his tragic end in the story, “Half-a-Rupee worth?
e ) How does the relationship of Ruchira and Biren reflect a combination of Indian and
    American  cultures?

Section – D [One Act Play]

IV. Answer any TWO of the following short answer questions.                2 x 5= 10

a) How does Lomov express his thoughts alone onstage in a monologue?
b) Bring out the causes for the first and the second arguments between Natalya and
    Lomov ?
c) Is the proposal and the acceptance of marriage proposal natural and normal ?
    What do you think are the deviations?
d) What does the play, “The Proposal” suggest about Chekhov’s attitude toward this    class of      
      landowners? Cite evidence to support your answer.

Section – E [Language Activity]

V. Answer all the questions.                                                                                4 x 5= 20

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

      Pollution is the fouling of the environment, land, water and air by waste, smoke, chemicals and other harmful substances. The most serious pollution occurs, where there are large cities and many factories. Every industrial country faces the problem of disposing waste. As factories produce new goods for people to buy, old ones are thrown out with the household rubbish. Burning this refuse pollutes the air, dumping it in rivers and seas pollutes the water. Getting rid of plastics is particularly difficult. Wood and paper decay after sometime through the action of bacteria. But plastics never decay. With millions of tonnes of rubbish being dumped into the sea, marine life is greatly harmed. Smoke from factories and gases from motor vehicles pollute the air. Carbon monoxide gas and substances called hydrocarbons from the engines of motor vehicles damage people’s health. Ridding our world of pollution is an imaginably big task.

a) What is meant of “Pollution”?
b) Where does serious pollution occur?
c) What is very difficult to get rid of?
d) How do wood and paper decay?
e) How is marine life harmed?

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable Form of the Verb  given in the  

a)  Dolphins __________ (live) in water.
b)  Srilatha ____________ (work) in Hyderabad Public School for the last ten years.
c)  The train ___________ (leave), when we reached the station yesterday.
d)  The men ______________ (repair) the telephone cables. Do not disturb them.
e)   Health _________________ (be) wealth.

3. Answer any ONE of the following.

A) Write the Interrogative Sentences for the following responses.

a)  He lives in Hyderabad.
b)  She is writing letters.
c)  You know him.
d)  There are two cars.
e)   I am Rakesh.


B) Match the following sentences under Column “A” with their correct “Question Tags”
     under Column “B

                   A                                                                            B
1. He is an engineer                         [             ]                 a) Are you ?
2. We are Indians                             [             ]                 b) Will you ?
3. She has been to London               [             ]                 c) Isn’t he ?
4. You are not paying attention        [             ]                 d) hasn’t she ?
5. Don’t waste your time                  [             ]                 e) Aren’t we ?

4. Answer any ONE of the following

A) Write a composition using the hints given below.

[Write the composition in logical order and develop it with the help of your points also, if any.   
  Suggest a Title a topic sentence and sum it up.]

     Reading hobby – good and bad books – for the hour and forever – books as best companions – they entertain, educate and enlighten – make one forget one’s loneliness guide and make one’s life richer – a good book, a life blood of master’s spirit – Carlyle’s
Concept of true university, a collection of books.


B) Write a “Dialogue” between your mother and you on a Birthday dress.


     You plan to buy an expensive set of clothes for your birthday. But your mother is opposed it. How would you convince her? Write out this situation in the form of a “Dialogue”, with five terms each to you and your mother.
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Semester II. Unit -V. Language Activity  QUESTION TAGS-II

Semester II. Unit -V. Language Activity QUESTION TAGS-II

QUESTION TAGS (Affirmative and Negative)

I. Positive statements with Negative tags     (Affirmative)

      1. She is a nurse by profession, isn’t she?
      2. They have gone away, haven’t they?
      3. She was looking beautiful in her youth, wasn’t she?
      4. His father knows many languages, doesn’t he?
      5. Students should maintain discipline in the college, shouldn’t they?
      6. You got up early yesterday, didn’t you?
      7. They will help you, won’t they?
      8. He and I are friends, aren’t they?
      9. Money makes many things, doesn’t it?

II. Negative statements with Positive tags    (Negative)

      1. He is not regular to the college, is he?
      2. They don’t speak the truth, do they?
      3. You can’t receive my voice, can you?
      4. There were not many animals in the zoo, were there?


      5. He did not   attend the function last week, did he?
      6. She does not spend more on cosmetics, does she?
      7. My brother had a bad dream last night, had he?s
      8. She won’t come with us, will she?
      9. He was ill yesterday, was he ?

TYPES OF QUESTION TAGS     (Affirmative and Negative)

I. Auxiliary verb/helping verb in the statement is repeated in tag

1.      She can speak English fluently,   _____________ (can’t she?)
2.      You did not see him,  _____________ (did you?)
3.      People should not drop litter on pavements _____________ (should they?)
4.      He has made mistake, ______________ (hasn’t he?)
5.      The meeting is at ten,   ______________ (isn’t it?)
6.      You are impatient, ______________ (aren’t you?)
7.      She is singing, __________________ (isn’t she?)
8.      You will stay here, ____________ (won’t you?)
9.      They would reply _______________ (wouldn’t they?)
10.   We shall take tea, ______________ (shan’t we?)

II. do/does for verb (i) and did for verb (ii)

11.   He smokes daily,  _____________   ( doesn’t he?)
12.   They met me yesterday, _____________________   (didn’t they?)
13.   The earth moves round the sun, _______________   (doesn’t it?)
14.  She ran fast to catch the bus, ________________ (didn’t she?)
15.  His mother knows how to drive, ______________ (doesn’t she?)
16.  Mobile phones contribute to the radiation levels,___________ (don’t they?)
17.  The attendant and the patient went out of the hospital,________  (didn’t they?)
18.  Ram loves Sita, ___________________    (doesn’t he?)
19.  It rained heavily last night, ____________________ (didn’t it?)
20.  They came rather late to the party,________________   (didn’t they?)

III. Negative words take positive tags and the pronoun is “they” in case they act as subject

21.   Nobody objected to my proposal,__________________     (did they?)
22.   Neither of them has complained,__________________        (have they?)
23.   No one is allowed,_________________    (are they?)
24.  Nobody has come to the function___________ (have they?)
25.  It has hardly rained at all this summer. _____________   (has it?)               
26.  There is little we can do about it.__________            (is there?)
27.  Nobody said no. ________ (did they?)


1.      Neither of them helped me._________  (did they?)
2.      None of the ladies carried an umbrella, ___________ (did they?)
3.      Nothing is impossible, ________________  (is it?)

IV. The pronoun is “they” for   some positive words

4.      Somebody called me, _____________________ (didn’t they?)
5.      Everybody should attend the function _______________ (shouldn’t they?)
6.      Anyone, who never makes a mistake never knows anything new. ________ (do they?)
7.      Everybody enjoyed the event, _______________  (didn’t they?)
8.      Everyone should cultivate good habits, _______________  (shouldn’t they?)
9.      Everything is alright_______________ (isn’t it?)
10.  Someone had recognized me, _______________ (hadn’t they?)
11.  Somebody wants a drink, ______________    (don’t they?)
12.  Anybody can come, ________________ (can’t they?)
13.  Everyone must attend the meeting, ____________   (mustn’t they?)V. Irregulars
14.   I am late today, ___________________ (aren’t I?)
15.  I am not at home right now, ____________ (am I?)
16.  Let us have a party, _________________   (shall we?)
17.  I am right, ________________ (aren’t I?)
18.  Let us solve the problem, ______________ (shall we?)

VI. Short forms

19.  She’d done it before you asked her, _____________ (hadn’t she?)
20.  You’d better go early,  ___________ (hadn’t you?)
21.  If you called him, he’d come, _______________ (wouldn’t he?)
22.  She’d rather drink tea, ________________ (wouldn’t she?)
23.  She’s read the book, ____________ (hasn’t she?)
24.  He’s wearing a blue shirt, ________________ (isn’t he?)
25.  She’s been to London, ___________  (hasn’t she?)
26.  Let’s have our tea, _____________ (shall we?)
27.  He‘d written before you phoned, ___________ (hadn’t he?)


28.  She‘d have come if you had requested her, __________ (wouldn’t she?)
29.  That’s the postman, ______________ (isn’t it?)
30.  He’s completely aware of his fault, ___________ (isn’t he?)
VII. After some expressions like I suppose, I think, Idon’t suppose, I don’ think
31.  I think he is an Indian, __________ (isn’t he?)        (Not don’t I?)
32.  I suppose you are hungry, ____________ (aren’t you?)
33.  I don’t think it will rain, ______________ (will it?)
34.  I don’t suppose anyone will help me, __________ (will they?)
35.  I suppose somebody can do it, ____________ (can’ they?)
36.  I don’t suppose everyone should be present, ___________ (should they?)

VIII. Imperative (will you? for negatives won’t you? for positives and requests. Can you? for
37.  Don’t forget me, _____________ (will you?)
38.  Don’t waste your time, __________    (will you?)
39.  Have another piece of bread, _______________ (will you?)
40.  Please excuse me, ______________ (won’t you?)
41.  Do come in, _________________(won’t you)
42.  Shut up, _______________ (can’t you)
43.  Stand erect, ___________(can’t you?)

IX. Miscellaneous

44.  He is not angry, __________________ (is he?)
45.  They are practical, _________________ (aren’t they?)
46.   She does not know Hindi, ________________   (does she?)
47.  He bought a new car, ______________ (didn’t he?)
48.  She does not know my address, _____________ (does she?)
49.  He never goes to concerts, _____________ (does he?)
50.  John could not go to office yesterday, ______________ (could he?)
51.  They don’t mind the noise, ____________ (do they?)
52.  She had a headache last night, ___________ (didn’t she? /hadn’t she?)
53.  The twins have conquered their deformity, __________ (haven’t they?)
54.  My mother’d rather cook veg. curries, _____________ (wouldn’t she?)
55.  It’s no good, _________ (is it?)
56.  There is a mosque in that street, ______________ (isn’t there?)
57.  Everyone warned you, _____________ (didn’t they?)
58.  Neither of them helped me, ____________ (did they?)


59.  I am not that woman, ____________ (am I?)
60.  No one would object my proposal, __________ (would they?)
61.  Wait a minute, _____________ (can you?)
62.  Everything is all right, ______________ (isn’t it?)
63.  Please do me a favour, _____________ (won’t you?)
64.  You must take this medicine, __________ (mustn’t you?)
65.  He has no problems, ___________ (has he?)
66.  She ought not to go there, ____________ (ought she?)
67.  He used to swim daily, ____________ (didn’t he?)
68.  Open the window, _______________ (will you?)
69.  Barking dogs seldom bite ____________ (do they?)
70.  He is hardly eighteen, ______________ (is he?)
71.   The film is not good, _______________ (is it?)
72.  You never say what you are thinking, __________ (do you?)
73.  He daren’t challenge you, __________ (dare he?)
74.   Everyone makes mistakes, __________ (do they?)
75.  Smoking ruins our health, ______________  doesn’t it
76.   Most people cannot go to Africa, __________ (can they?)
77.  They won't be late, ____________ (will they?)
78.   I’m afraid of darkness, ___________   (aren’t I?)
79.   One should never harm any kind of people, ____________ (do they?)
80.   Children like chocolates, _____________ ( don’t they)
81.   You don't remember me,   __________ (do you?)

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